Blogging... Why Not?!!


Dr. Ali is starting a blog!

Hey Christianson Chiro fans, I've decided to start a blog! I have a growth personality and because of that I am constantly learning about new health and wellness things. AND when I learn about something new I have to try it out and see how it works. As a result, I have tried a LARGE variety of personal care things and I thought a blog would be a great way to share these ideas with you.

Why this is a value to you...

Helping people and animals is my greatest PASSION and because I can’t share everything I’ve learned about health with you during an office visit (due to time!) I thought this would be a great way to share some of these extras with you so you can have a boost of ideas and some extra self-care things to do at home!!

I’m so excited to start this out, it lets me tap into my creativity side more which is something I haven’t done in a while, excited to share with all of you! I’m not exactly sure how a blog works but I’m hoping I’ll be able to see your comments as well so that I can hear from you, know if you’ve tried these things before, and how they’ve worked for you.

Wishing you well during this holiday season, talk soon!

Comment and let me know if you have something specific you’d like me to blog about.


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